Tag...I'm It.....1. Where did you meet? EFY. :)
2. How long did you date before you got married? Umm. We were friends for 2 1/2 months before we started dating and we got married about a year after we started dating!
3. How long have you been married? 3 Months! Michael rememebered, not me!
4. What does he do that surprises you? He is ALWAYS getting me flowers! It is so adoreable. And he always does it so I come home and they are waiting for me! Also, I have never met someone as hard working as him! He cannot just sit, he is always thinking about what he has to get done. He CANNOT relax until all the work is done.
5. What is your favorite feature of his? I really love his eyes, and his muscles. He's got a nice stomach and really nice arms. I like it all! :)
6. Does he have an annoying habit? When he talks on the phone to other people he talks SO loud. It is so obnoxious when we are in stores or something because everyone looks over to see the weirdo talking on his phone so loud. :)
7. What is your favorite quality of his? He is so cuddly! I just love it. Also, he is very giving. Whenever I do something nice for him he always wants to do something nice for me! That just makes me want to do something else nice back!
8. Does he have a nickname for you? Keeper, Toots, Spring Chicken, Love. I can't think of the rest but he has alot. Mostly Keeper though!
9. What is his favorite color? Um he likes wearing white, black, and blue. I think his favorite is black because he ALWAYS sees a car and says that would look so good in black!
10. What is his favorite food? I couldn't tell you. I am going to go ahead and say anything my dad makes. I have never seen anyone get so excited over food before but without fail, everytime he is excited when we are going to my parents house and my dad is cooking. Also, he likes EVERYTHING except mushrooms.
11. What is his favorite sport? Baseball, and wrestling. He wants our little boys to wrestle. I am still deciding. He also likes Volleyball, and Basketball. He's not a big football guy though.
12. When and where was your first kiss? I want to say August 18th? It was the night of our first date and we had just been friends up to that point so I thought we were on a "friend" date. Anyways, we both think that it is a bigger commitment to hold someones hand than it is to kiss and we had talked about it alot, so when he held my hand at dinner I was so shocked! (He was so scared because I got this weird look on my face and he thought I didn't even like him!) Anyways, so on the way home we were talking about how we had both liked each other and then we went to his parents house and they had this amazing view over the valley and we were just sitting in the back yard alone cuddling and then he went in! It was so perfect. I got the most amazing butterflies in the world!
13. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? We are always just sitting on the couch talking or cuddling. We LOVE to cuddle but we can really have the longest conversation together talking about the most random things and just laughing our heads off! We also like to watch Friends together! Michael laughs so hard. And we love going out on dates together!
14. Do you have any children? No, nor will we anytime soon. :)
15. Does he have a hidden talent? Um, he does a really good cow impersonation! Ha ha. I'm not joking. Anyone in my family could tell you, it sounds so real. He is also a really good singer!
16. How old is he? 24!
17. Who said "I love you" first? He did! He surprised me and took me to Ensign peak! I was in a skirt and heels and he brought me some sweats and tennis shoes and socks! He told me at the top of the mountain! It was adoreable.
18. What is his favorite type of music? Oh gosh. He LOVES twangy country. Like all of the George Strait, Alan Jackson, stuff. Good stuff. But it gets old! :)
19. What do you admire most about him? He is just so giving and will do anything for anyone even if it's not convenient. He tries so hard to be a good husband and totally exceeds my expectations. I have honestly never met anyone like him, he's amazing!
20. Do you think he will read this? Not unless I pull it up and put it in front of him! :)
Britt tagged EVERYONE! So basically if you are reading this and haven't done this I tag YOU! :)