Alright, I am officially UPSET! I worked so hard last week to start early and get my blog updated and our stupid internet wasn't working!!! Dangit. I think the person whose internet we were linking up to might have moved! :) So we might have to actually get our own wireless! ;) Anyways, I started from newest to oldest so the newest would be at the bottom. Unfortunately, since our internet stopped working I haven't been able to load the other half on...and since I didn't want any threatening messages I figured I best get up the part that I have! So enjoy!
Michael's sister MaryLyn Graduated! Yay! It is so weird to think it wasn't too long ago when that was me! :) Anyways, that is Wendy (the oldest), her daughter Jennifer, & MaryLyn!
MaryLyn, & Daniel!
Ha ha! I LOVE THIS PICTURE! This is Juliette our niece! She is so chubby, it kills me! We did angle her to show off just how chubby so her legs aren't normally like this but my gosh!
Ali, my good friend from High School had her birthday! She was holding a pot holder and for some reason it was funny at the time! She is a doll.
Pretty sure I owe surviving High School in one piece to this little gal!
Worst picture taker EVER...oh well.
I talked our waitress into bringing us some Alfredo without having to pay the 5 bucks for it! (That little bit of heaven is expensive!)
The best part of this picture is the girl to the left!!!!! :) I guess she was having a rough day! Do you think we look alike? I want to hear your answer in a comment! I can never decide! It seems to always be a different answer!
Pretty much as soon as the concert started it started raining! So we were forced to sit down and open our umbrella and not be able to see for awhile! We made it work!
She is such an amazing singer! She is just as good live as her CD if not better! It is people like her that really make me wish I had the ability to sing just a tiny bit!
The Screen Shot!
Proof we were there! We had so much fun jumping around and just being goof balls! I am so lucky to have such an amazing sister and best friend!
Breana gave us this T.V. stand thing! We decided we wanted to paint it since our walls are WHITE too! This is after Michael cut out the holes for our T.V. and cords!
He was STRICTLY instructed to not get me in the picture!!!
Painting away! The color is pretty shocking right?! I went back and forth forever! I was really scared but it actually looks really cute done! I will get pictures of the finished project up A.S.A.P.!
So I was cleaning the paint brushes in the tub after the second coat! Except I forgot to pull the thing that makes it come out of the tub faucet instead of the shower head! I got SOAKED! Michael thought it was funny.
Soaking wet, freezing cold leg!